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Laura Pernazza

In office since

Expiring at

5 October 2021

Born in Amelia (TR) on 16/05/1972

Election date: 03/10/2021 - Appointment date: 05/10/2021

Qualification: High School Diploma or equivalent qualifications

Professional Category: Accountants and Assimilates

Party: Per Amelia

Amelia, TR, Italia

Slow City

The City

Amelia, located in the Umbria region of Italy, is one of the 'slow cities' that enhance the concept of quiet and sustainable living. This city, built on a series of hills, is renowned for its ancient charm and rich history dating back to pre-Roman times. Amelia's virtues include its strong dedication to quality of life, evidenced by its commitment to preserving its cultural and natural heritage. Participating in the Cittaslow movement, Amelia organizes numerous events that celebrate its traditions and heritage, including 'Amelia in Piazza,' 'Festival delle Nazioni,' and 'Sagra del Carciofo' (Artichoke Festival). For responsible tourists, Amelia offers multiple attractions: visits to the Archaeological Museum, walks along the ancient polygonal walls, tastings of local products in typical taverns and excursions to the surrounding green areas. The area of Umbria, also known for its beautiful natural landscapes, offers many opportunities to enjoy nature, including the nearby Mount Peglia Park.

The Slow Vision for the City

Slow actions performed

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Targets for the futures

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