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Image by Heather Lo




How does one become a Cittaslow,

city of good living?

“Good living” means having solutions and services that enable citizens to enjoy their city in an easy, simple and enjoyable way. The set of prerequisites for becoming a Cittaslow is grouped into 6 macro-categories:

Energy and environmental policies

Parks and green areas, renewable energy, transport, recycling, etc 

Infrastructure policies

Alternative mobility, cycle paths, street furniture, etc.

Quality of urban life policies

Requalification and reuse of marginal areas, cable network city (fibre optics, wireless), etc.

Agricultural, touristic and artisan policies

Policies for hospitality, awareness and training

Social cohesion

Prohibiting the use of GMO in agricolture, increasing the value of working techniques and traditional crafts, etc.

Good welcome, increasing awareness of operators and traders (transparency of offers and practised prices, clear visibility of tariffs), etc.

Integration of disable people, poverty, minorities discriminated, etc.


Collaboration with other organizations promoting natural and traditional food, etc.

Some of these requirements are already the heritage of these cities and can be further protected and enhanced, while many others, compatibly with the urban and soil and climate characteristics of the area, can be introduced by drawing inspiration from applications already in place or tested in other realities.

Membership regulations

To join, it is necessary to send a membership request, also by email, to the Cittaslow secretariat with the declaration (resolution of the Council or Board) in which you accept the principles of the Manifesto and adhere to the Bylaws. It is important to highlight the strengths on which the request is based.

Acceptance of the application

Once the application has been accepted by the heads of the coordination, the municipality must pay (non-refundable for preliminary start-up expenses) the fee of 600.00 euros.
Additional fee to support the Coordination of Cittaslow Italy.
After the payment, the General Secretariat sends the applicants folders for the collection of data and administrative acts that allow them to “weigh” the quality of good living.


Ballots should be emailed to the secretariat at

If the City reaches 50% of the assessment values (as stipulated in the bylaws), an assessment team will visit the City to decide to accept/not accept it into the movement.



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